Don't wait

I know cramps and pains can be normal during pregnancy but if you are worried or hurting bad please call your doctor. I called mine because of cramps in my left side. It did not feel like contractions or labor but it hurt enough I decided to call. I went in and she checked my cervix and I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She decided to monitor me and after 15 minutes realized I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes so she sent me to the hospital for more monitoring. When I got to the hospital they had me in triage for a few minutes and was just going to monitor me but after checking my cervix and finding out I dilated to a 3 they admitted me and started magnesium... I was admitted Tuesday and finally got to come home yesterday on bed rest and meds to keep contractions stopped.. I am 34+4 weeks... Doctor is hoping for another week or two but she doesn't believe it's likely because my contractions haven't stopped but they are spaced out more.. only one or two an hour... My point is is that I really did not believe I was in labor .... This is my fourth and pretty much know what to expect but something just didn't feel right about the pains I was having so I decided to call my doctor... There is no harm in calling to be checked if you are concerned even when you think it's normal pains.. better safe then sorry... If I would've brushed it off and ignored it I would probably have him right now and although I know he would be OK he still needs a little more time to cook in there.. they gave me two steroid shots for his lungs so hopefully if he does decide to come he will be good to go:)