help with my chart?!

Kellie • We have a 4 year old son, Carson John 💙 TTC since August 2015 - Two angel babies 👼🏻 Due with our rainbow 10/15/2017🌈
This is my first month temping. I usually just do OPK's. I seem to have missed my surge this cycle because I got no definite positive but my darkest line was 7:15pm on CD14. I used to ovulate around CD 16-17, last month it was CD15 according to OPK. When I entered my temp on fertility friend this morning it automatically put my ovulation at CD13, which seems too early and not coinciding with my CM. It would also give me a 25 day cycle which sounds absurd since I typically have a 29-30 day cycle. This is my chart for Glow and my chart for FF, what do you ladies think?