Is this wrong of me?

My boyfriend's phone broke and he left it at home to charge etc while he went to work. When I woke up I checked it to see if it was any better and he had gotten a text from an old "friend". Let's call him dirty-ex-coworker-who-hit-on-me-and-actually-hit-his-girlfriend-and-sells-pot-out-of-his-19-year-old-girlfriends-apartment or maybe Walter, because it's shorter. So my boyfriend spent a lot of time trashing Walter and told me he doesn't respond to his texts anymore back in February. So I found it weird that shady Walter was texting him at 8 in the morning. So, like a creepy stalker, I went into his phone and read some of his texts.
        Turns out Walter and my boyfriend have been chatting it up all month about their girlfriends (betsy and I, betsy being Walter's girlfriend who is still with him for some reason) and my boyfriend has been buying weed from him. It's funny cause my boyfriend lied about that too- both about how much he bought and who sold it to him. He told me he bought it off a different friend- but that's not all. He has been hanging out with this guy for a while and never told me the truth about where he was.
       Am I being crazy? I feel bad about looking in his phone, but he lied to me about hanging around this guy who frankly, is an awful person. Am I wrong for being upset about him hanging out with this guy and lying to me about it? Am I being nosy? Is he wrong for lying to me like this?

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