Blocking people

Jllismuch • 26, been married for the past 7 years almost 8 to my amazing husband, baby time hopefully soon
I really hate how someone can do something so messed up and you try to report them on Facebook and they pass Facebooks little test and are allowed to just keep their profile up and continue to post obscene or cruel content.... You could have someone stalk you and they do nothing, all you can do is BLOCK THEM!! That's fucking ridiculous, they need to be removed for what they're doing and how their harming people. Social media is such BS today, they pick and choose who will be warned for their behavior and who will be blocked from a certain site due to their behavior when people who do nothing wrong and just defend themselves without being rude get blocked or removed from the site. It makes no sense and innocent people get hurt because the people doing the wrong thing aren't punished or held accountable for their actions online.....