Edited to how painful??

Marissa β€’ 9-29-16πŸ‘‘πŸŽ€ Jalissa Marie

Please don't try and scare me I'm a first time mom so I'm new at this.

But my cervix is getting checked today first time what do I expect or shouldn't expect??

Remember don't want no horror stories

I'm 37+4 days. Thanks in advance!


I got it done and boy am I cramping and I forgot to breathe my doc told me to breathe I'm purple lol. Well it hurt cuz I'm a fingertip but I think it was ok just dear God's it wasn't what I expected.

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Posted at
Hun it's a cake walk compared to delivering a baby vaginally. You've got this! Don't stress yourself out, it'll only make it more uncomfortable.


Marissa β€’ Sep 19, 2016
I can't have an epidural with my spinal surgery


Rebecca β€’ Sep 17, 2016
I'm trying for drug free and I didn't want my cervix checked πŸ˜‚


Kimberly β€’ Sep 17, 2016
I was just gonna say I hope she's getting an epidural bc if she can't deal with getting her cervix checked she's in for a rude awakening come delivery time. Hahahahaha πŸ˜‚


Posted at
It is not as bad as people make it seem. Basically the doctor sticks their entire hand up as far as they can. 


Rebecca β€’ Sep 17, 2016
Marissa..idk honestly...I'm 38+2 have been checked twice and I'm not dilated or anything :/


Rebecca β€’ Sep 17, 2016


Ka β€’ Sep 17, 2016
I mean she leads up there with 2 fingers but she was almost to my throat. So yes whole hand. πŸ˜‚


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It just really depends on who does them. With some doctors it doesn't hurt at all and others, well... no walk in the park.


Posted at
I definitely think my first pregnancy check ups weren't nearly as painful as this time around.


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It's hard, but you have to relax and just know it won't last forever! X


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Wasn't too bad once I was more dialated and lower. First time I was still high and only a finger tip so it was a lot of pressure and uncomfortable


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Not going to lie, they can hurt a little bit depending on how far dilated or thinned out you are but it's more of an uncomfortable feeling than anything lol. I did spot for a few days following my 37 week one but that was it. You'll be just fine, mama! πŸ’–


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I'm FTM too and for me it was painful but I was also having contractions all day the day before so I was very sensitive and sore to begin with.


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I had mine checked on tuesday it hurt a bit but I did get an episiotomy with my first baby thats the part that hurt because when he checked with my first it didnt hurt at all just felt pressure


Posted at
It doesn't so much hurt as it's just uncomfortable and a lot of pressure.. I'm sure it's less then more dilated you are but I'm not dilated at all so it's not my favorite thing lol 


Kiani β€’ Sep 16, 2016
true im 1cm it hurt the midwife said the more dilated the less it will be uncomfortable