When do you take Fertilaid?

Carrie • 💕46 1/2 yr old Mom of 6 Sunshines🌞, 1 Angel👼🏼 & 1 Rainbow 🌈

I just started taking Fertilaid, Ovaboost and Fertile Cm. Any recommendations for the Fertilaid & Fertile Cm on when to take it? I take all 4 Ovaboost at night and just started the other 2 this week. I've been taking the 3 Fertilaid and 3 Fertile CM in the morning but should i maybe do 2 of the 3 in the morning & the other one at night instead?

I've had nothing but good physical benefits from Ovaboost the last 2 months. Started Fertilaid this week and my menstrual cycle is now staying longer, already 2 days longer. Just wondering if the Fertilaid is mesding me up, if I should continue it or just spread it out throughout the day.

Thoughts, experiences?