
Hi guys! Sorry in advance if this is lengthy. I'm hoping whoever is reading this can give me some answers or success stories. Ok, so last month I had a mmc at 6w. We went in for a scan and there was no heartbeat. I opted to take medication to induce mc. After a week or so I got my blood drawn and dr confirmed no more testing was needed to monitor hcg. When I stopped bleeding from mc my husband and I had sex. One week ago, I took a pg test and it clearly came out negative. I took another one a few days ago and I had a positive! The next day I took another one and it was darker. Today I took these and I got 2-3 weeks on the weeks estimator! My concern is that I don't feel pregnant and I started lightly spotting brown for about 4 days now. Could the spotting be left over blood from mc? Or leftover IB? I have no cramping. Anyone have any ideas what's going on!?! I'll say again, my dr did confirm I no longer had hcg in my body after mc and a hpt tested negative before I got these