READ: Recurrent miscarriages or migraines?

I have a history of migraines and infertility (no miscarriages). I went on my new PCP who asked me if I had been tested for a MTHFR mutation.  I said no.  For $63.00 she ran a lab to test my blood samples. I came back positive for MTHFR 1298 a/a mutation.  There are several MTHFR mutations that exist, and every women who is pregnant should get tested.
What is the gene?
This gene changes folic acid to folate within the body. It also impacts B vitamin absorption as well. 40-50% of rh population is suspected to carry the mutation, which limits the body's ability to convert folic acid to folate.  
What is the problem?
Worse, folic acid can stick around in the body for as long as 100 days and prevent the body from absorbing the natural, more bio-available form: folate. Folate is necessary to avoid spina bifida, congenital heart defects, and even autism. Lack of proper folate levels causes migraines in those with the mutation and also has been linked to miscarriage.
What should I do if I test positive for the gene?
STOP taking all prenatals with folic acid immediately and take a prenatal with methylfolate, which does not need to undergo the conversion process.
Eat plenty of leafy greens, as well as beans and nuts that contain folate.
Also, keep your vitamin B levels up, since low vitamin B9 and B12 will throw off methylation. By taking folate instead of folic acid and keeping Vit. B levels up you can also prevent migraines.