pregnancy worries

I just got to college (yay!) and have been seeing this new guy. I stayed over at his house, and after a few drinks, we ended up hooking up... Three times. I'm on the pill, but I'm not perfect about taking it at exactly the same time (usually within the same 3-4 hour time frame). We used condoms, but not during the very beginning (I know, I know, and I'm kicking myself over it), which I know isn't considered perfect use. 
I've been having like, mild stomach pains, but I attributed it to my recently adopted poor eating habits. 
I normally wouldn't be anywhere near concerned, but I accidentally wore a bra to bed last night, and I woke up with a little clear, oily discharge in the bottom of my bra. I won't start my period for another 4-5 days so I feel like I just need someone to tell me I'm being silly? Or that something like that has happened to someone else and they weren't pregnant? I'm probably just freaking out for no reason. Right??