Need some advice...


So me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 and half years we have two kids together, one will be 2 next month and the other is almost 6 months, we fight constantly, we blame each other for the fighting, I am a constant bitch anymore because im just so unhappy with him... He doesnt help with the kids,doesnt help with the cleaning...that's cuz he believes its all the woman's job which would be fine for me if I was a stay at house mom but im not I do work as well... I have told him numerous times that i don't want to be with him anymore that im extremely unhappy with him and says its only cuz I make it that way... He claims I hate him, which at times I feel I do but I really dont, I just hate his decisions, I love him cuz his the father of my children but im not in love with him anymore, and I've expressed that to him. I dont even want to have sex with him anymore, he tries to turn me on and it just doesnt work I feel nothing, im forcing it with him... Now I have someone else that I love and we get along great, we have so much more in common than me and my boyfriend do, he makes me extremely happy and my kids adore him! Which is major points in my book.

With me telling my boyfriend I dont want to be with him he tells me thats to bad, that its not over till he says so....that we need to be together for the kids sake,but I know its worse for them if all we do is fight. Also tries to make me feel guilty by saying that if I truly loved him then I shouldn't want to just give up.

I can't help how I feel, believe me im heartbreaken that I dont feel the same about him...but head the one who never changed after the kids came.

Im not sure what I should do, any advise?