Two peak Advanced OPK's


This is my first time posting and I feel crazy for over thinking this but here goes..

I've been off BC for about four months now TTC and usually ovulate around the same time each month with a 33 day cycle. This month I had EWCM on the 7th which is not even close to when I ovulate but took an opk test anyway. I got a blinky smiley on my clear blue advanced OPK. Next day I got the peak fertility reading. So my husband and I BD'd 7,8, and 9th.

I woke up with cramps and a pulling near my belly button last night (pulling feeling during the day too). I took another OPK because it's around the time I usually O now. I got peak fertility on my advanced OPK. I got a negative with the regular digital OPK.

I also got a negative pregnancy test but it's only 8DPO if we're going by the first peak read.

Anyone have any clues as to what's going on? My charts aren't giving me any clues but looks like my temp is rising as of yesterday.