Where/what is your baby sleeping?

Katherine • Police wife 👮mommy to Benjamin and Jason 💙💙
I want to switch my baby into the crib in his room. He's just 10 weeks and I'm extremely nervous for him to be so far away. Do your little ones skeep in the crib and if so how old are they? Did they sleep better?
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My 8 week old baby sleeps in her pack n play next to our bed. I will be keeping her there for a while still. It makes nursing much easier for us during the night. Plus I'm not ready to have her in her room alone yet! Her room is literally right outside ours but it seems too far away lol. 


Sara • Sep 18, 2016
I didn't, she likes sleeping flat on her back. My sister put s fitted crib sheet on her pack n play mattress and rolled a blanket and put it under the sheet for a little elevation for her baby! He liked it.


Ashley • Sep 18, 2016
Did u put an extra pad or mattress in the pack n play my baby doesn't like to sleep in there at all he doesn't like to sleep in his back either


Katherine • Sep 17, 2016
Thank you! You too! We are gonna try it tonight. We'll see how it goes!


Posted at
My 11 week old has been sleeping in his crib since 6 weeks and he goes to bed at 8pm, wakes up at 330am for a feed, falls right back asleep in his crib and we're up at 8am for the day. I use a good monitor. 


🌸🌸🌸 • Sep 19, 2016
I have the hello baby monitor. They're only like $80 on amazon and I love it.


Lauren • Sep 18, 2016
Which monitor?


🌸🌸🌸 • Sep 18, 2016
It just sort of worked out that way. He used to get up at 130am and 430am but then he dropped the 130am wake up when he was about 9 weeks old. So he's been doing this schedule for 3 weeks.


Posted at
My son started in his crib at 4 days old. He was then in his bassinet the first sleep of the night and crib the last two for the next few weeks, then around 3 weeks I exclusively started putting him in his crib. We did it because he was so damn noisy! We wouldn't sleep because of how much noise he made in his sleep next to us. He sleeps much longer stretches in his crib and I think it signifies nighttime to him more. He's across the house from me and sometimes it feels so far away, but it gives hubby and I our time and space and we all sleep better. 


Rachel • Sep 17, 2016
Oh me too and the first two weeks I was glued to it.


Jenna • Sep 17, 2016
We do the same thing! But I have a video monitor so I can see what he is doing. Our little guy is a noisy sleeper too.


Posted at
Still cosleeping, probably won't be changing that any time soon. For naps during the day, she goes down in her crib or bassinet depending on what I'm doing, but at night I'm much more comfortable having her close by. And for nursing purposes it's too convenient not to. I'm motivated enough to get up to nurse 99% of the time but when I'm not, it's nice to just be able to roll over, whip out a boob and fall back asleep practically instantly. 


Posted at
My son is almost ten weeks and we plan on moving him this weekend into his crib. He sleeps through the night already so I'm not having to nurse him. But if he does wake up I end up just rocking him while nursing in his room anyway so we will see how it goes. He got his two month shots today so we won't be moving him tonight.


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My 9wk son has slept in his crib since week 4. He was a better sleeper when we moved him out of our room. We do have a video baby monitor, and that helps. 


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I still have my 10week old in his Moses basket next to my bed, he sleeps through sometimes waking for a 3am feed so it's better for me to have him next to me


Posted at
My daughter is 12 weeks and has been sleeping in her crib since 9 weeks. She sleeps great in it! She'll sleep from 10:30-6:30!


Posted at
We transitioned my daughter into her crib at 8 weeks. I didn't want her in another room quite that early but my husband convinced me because she hated her bassinet and when she did sleep in it, she was so noisy and restless I never got any sleep! Surprisingly, she sleeps SO much better in her crib. She is 10 weeks now and goes down around 10-10:30, wakes once to eat around 3-4 then sleeps until 6-8.


Posted at
My lo sleeps i her basinet next to me its a co sleeper one. Shes 8 weeks old but i have worked 2 days and those days she has stayed in her cot and her dad has got up for the night feeds! She has been fine although i kept waking up worrying so i aactually didnt sleep well. I think it will just be like that when we eventually move her. Im happy for her to go in her cot as long as i dnt have to keep throwing the dummy back in