Measuring 2 Weeks Ahead?

Hey there friends! 
I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my first, by today at our ultrasound I was told he's measuring at 32 weeks, in the 82nd percentile for size. Does anyone have any experience with this and what it means? I know it's not an exact measurement and I also know the genetics on my hubby's side point to larger heads than normal so maybe that's the cause for the jump, but I'd love any input if you've got it! Here he is today! 
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The closer to 100 the bigger the baby. Ds was 96 percentile when born. We are having to watch baby boy's measurements. We have been doing everything we can medically. Vbac approved but thinking because of his size, a repeat c-sec.


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It seems this is pretty common. I've been measuring 2 weeks consistently ahead since my scan at 23 weeks. Doctor just said baby will be on the bigger side. 


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My dr visit at 30 weeks had me measuring 3 weeks ahead!   Went back at 32 and now only measuring 1 week ahead.     Baby boy must have just hit a growth spurt early.  


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It usually just means you will have a baby in the 8 to 9 lb region instead of the 7 to 8. Not a big deal. My first was 8 lbs 12 oz and the best eater/sleeper. Not that my 8 lb 7 oz or 7 lb were terrible I just feel like bigger babies are a little easier in that sense.


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My little guy has been measuring almost 3 weeks head since my anatomy scan at about 21 weeks. Only concern my doctor has was that I had GD, cause that can cause large babies, but after two glucose test which I passed both just fine, she determined just gonna have a big boy. He's measuring in the 98th percentile. She's gonna do another ultrasound when I'm 38 weeks to make sure natural delivery will be safe or too stressful for baby because of how big he might be.. but that's her only concern as of now. As long as everything else is healthy with baby, I would you just have a big baby. Just more to love. ❤️


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My dr just told me my baby measured 12 days ahead she didn't really elaborate why though and scared me because she said he's measuring big. She just said we won't worry about it now and closer to my due date she'll order another ultrasound.


apollonia • Sep 17, 2016
To measure


Posted at
I was 28 weeks at my last appointment and measured at 30. They say you can measure 2 weeks ahead or later than your estimated due date :)