boyfriend going to town for the first time

So my boyfriend is going out for the first time since being 18, he's going to a few clubs with his mates for one of their birthdays. I'm not worried he will do anything, I'm happy he's going to be having fun. But I really have no trust in girls these days, I understand no girl will be like "oh yeah he has a gf don't go near him" it's not written on him  aha. But I worry they will try to like dance on him, to which he will remove himself hopefully aha. But I can't shake the feeling of hating that it might happen, even though he won't let it continue. I'm not quite an adult yet, so can't go with him. How can I learn, or how did you guys learn to feel more comfortable with your partners going out? I don't wanna come off as the girlfriend who has no trust, he's an adult and I can't control him and I don't want him thinking that I don't trust him.