Should i go to labor&delivery?

As I posted last night, I had a significant amount of bleeding after sexual intercourse while losing more of my mucus plug. I have continued to lose it today, I now feel like I'm going to be sick and got a major hot flash. I'm trying to drink water but it isnt helping. My body feels heavy, like it's hard to type this and hard to get up. I feel as though I'm going to faint. Now I have this constant pinch in my vaginal area on just the right side. I still have some spotting but only when I wipe. Is this a sign of labor? What should I do?
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Posted at
You need to go in to be checked regardless. Those are some hefty symptoms; call your OB's office and ask.


Posted at
I would have went last night! Good luck and I hope you and baby are ok!!


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Call your hospital and talk to a nurse 


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Yes, go to the ER right away!


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I would go to the doctor or call your doctor and ask