Food Stamp Question

Brittanie • Ariel Diana Nichole was born 9/7/16😊 Pregnant with my 2nd 💕
I live in Tennessee. I just had a question about food stamps. I know that they've made it to where you can't have food stamps unless you have a job, then they have to know how much you make-blah blah blah. But, if I am an unemployed stay-at-home mother with a newborn baby, would I qualify to get them? My husband has a job, but with bills, nursery water, diaper, wipes, etc. (we also have Wic, formula isn't a problem)- it's hard to be able to still afford food to keep in the house for me and him. If anyone is able to answer this or help out in any way by giving advice without sounding hateful/rude, y'all would be a blessin'. Thank you!