chewable prenatals??

Need advice. Was doing so good whole first trimester.. I reach just abou 13 weeks and can't swallow one one a day prenatals without throwing up. Anyone know if chewable will be the same? I go to doctor on Tuesday and don't know if I should skip until then. So scared to skip
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Posted at
I use gummy prenatals and was told by my doctor as long as they have dha and folic acid they are fine. 


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You can take flintstone gummy vitamins.. 


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I love the Olly brand gummy prenatal vitamins (I get them at Target). I've taken them since my husband and I started trying and have taken them throughout my pregnancy. They've been a great option for when I'm sick in the morning (or any time, really). I checked with both a doctor and midwife in my practice and they said they were totally fine to take! They taste really good too!


Posted at
I had to skip a few due to terrible throwing up. My vitamins say to stop at 12 weeks? X


Mrs P • Sep 18, 2016
Strange as the pack says to stop them at 12 weeks! Do I have to buy other ones?


Melanie • Sep 18, 2016
Make sure you take a prenatal every day of your entire pregnancy.


Posted at
Honestly I took prenatals only week 7-9. They made me sick. And yes I tried everything. I do take protein shakes (with other vitamins in it) occasionally. My doctors aren't worried. I'm not worried. Baby is perfectly healthy so far.


Melanie • Sep 18, 2016
This is bad advice. Everyone should take a prenatal their entire pregnancy.


Posted at
I did chewables first...they were easy to keep down. I'm taking pill now because it had higher DHA and all together a better blend and I'm having a hard time keeping them down I get nauseous within a half hour of taking it ....but I'm gonna try taking them at night now.


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I use these!


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I have to take mine after I eat a full meal otherwise I'll throw up. I get more nauseous with the gummies. Hope you have better luck ✨


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I bought Target (up and up brand) gummy prenatals