is this enough to assume he's cheating??

I saw a charge on his bank card to a hotel... It was a couple of weeks ago and I can't remember where he would've actually told me he was. But I damn sure know he didn't tell me he was at a hotel!! We've had trust issues in the past. He lied about going out with another woman a few months back and semi came clean once I confronted him but claimed they didn't have sex they just went to a bar... I've found condoms in his car and he claims "they're old" but the serial # on a condom pack will tell you when they were made and he didn't know that. Once I finally tell him that piece he then says "ok they're from earlier this year when we were on the outs". He's only confessed to what he thinks I have evidence for. He's never really just come clean.  We talked and decided to work on things. I wasn't happy because I couldn't trust him and he wasn't happy because he felt like I didn't really want him and wasn't putting in any effort in the relationship (which I took as a fair point because I really wasn't. I was just kind of "there").... We seemed ok and actually getting closer over the last couple of months but I still have a hard time trusting him (hence why I looked at the bank statement in the first place). I don't want to make an emotional decision especially with a baby on the way and we live together but even as I type this I'm getting sick to my stomach thinking about what I may have to do. But enough is enough right? I mean, is this enough to give up??