How to deal with shitty boss


Okay so this whole pregnancy I have not missed even 1 day of work and I bust my ass everyday doing 2 peoples worth of work even at 36 weeks pregnant. Well all that apparently caught up with me and I was just put on bedrest yesterday. Due to crazy blood pressure that I have never had before just started at 34/35 weeks. I planned on starting maternity leave at 38 weeks anyway.

But anywho, after my lovely unexpected visit to labor and delivery yesterday afternoon. I took my note into my work and luckily my hr guy was there. He completely understood and was like " if you didnt listen to your doctor and something happened you'd never forgive yourself" . he has 2 kids so he knows how serious this can be.

I didn't have to but I texted my bosslady and let her know what was going on so she wasnt suprised tomorrow when she came in tomorrow morning. She seriously blew me off asking oh so you'll be out just tomorrow or a few days? . i told her um not until after baby and she just got all snotty with me. I told her I have already talked to my hr guy about it and she was just responded " well thanks"

It took everything i had not to be like you have had 8 months to train someone to take my job over and you didnt.

I just grr i guess maybe its cause she doesnt have kids. The last lady who got put on bedrest at my work she was all being like must be nice and going on and on about it.

Im just trying to relax and take it easy now.