Third trimester depression?

Lainey • Due with Baby #1 Nov. 2016!
Anyone else? Even through the first trimester, when I couldn't eat, threw everything up, and could barely function from the exhaustion, I didn't feel depressed. I could easily remind myself that it's all for the very best reason and is worth it in the end. Now I'm 31 weeks. I'm exhausted, and I feel like my body and life are falling apart. I can't keep up to enjoy any of the things I normally do or to pursue my hobbies - I'm just too tired. I'm feeling more and more like a whale, and I'm so not that cute glowing preggo. I have a skin rash that itches and now I have hemmorhoids and last night was diagnosed with a bladder infection. Everything hurts, I'm always uncomfortable, and I just feel so disconnected from the person I was before I got pregnant. All I do is work, and think about the baby, plan for the baby, every conversation anyone has with me is about the baby. It's like I don't even exist anymore. But then I feel guilty for even feeling this way. I'm blessed to have my beautiful baby girl on the way, a wonderful husband, supportive family and friends. We have a roof over our heads and hubby and i both have good stable jobs. What right do I have to complain? Last night I cried hysterically to my poor husband a out how I just want my life back. I'm scared of delivery, petrified my bagina is going to be completely mutilated after, afraid I'll hate my post baby body. And I just feel so defeated. When I think about my baby I get SO EXCITED but it's becoming easier and easier to lose sight of WHY I'm doing all of this. I'm so ashamed of myself for even feeling this. Please, someone, tell me I'm not alone.