similar symptoms? endometriosis?

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'll know for sure then...but, I've been having some really  weird symptoms lately and was just wondering if any of you ladies have had similar symptoms and what it turned out to be.... 
I've been experiencing major food aversions for the past 2 weeks and have dropped 5 pounds as a result....(I'm already small, so this utterly sucks).... Two days ago I also noticed that my left ovary has been tender to the touch,  last night I had such painful cramps my husband had to literally rock me back to sleep🙄 while I cried on the bathroom floor...
 and not to mention I had weird brown discharge when I woke this morning, I initially thought this was my period but after taking out my diva cup 10 minutes ago I realized that there is not enough blood for it to be a period..... O and my period is suppose to come 2 days from today. 
I took a pregnancy test and it was negative.   Has anyone had similar symptoms? What was the diagnosis?