MIL BEC WTF!!!!!! Unpopular opinion!

So my MIL is my BEC (bitch eating crackers) but this past month has seen a all time wtf!

Background my husbands dad became bed ridden when he was 13 both parents worked for a "religious charity" that offered no retirement, benefits, or stability but since it was his parents "calling" fuck all that. At 14 he was changing diapers, helping with doc appts etc. When his dad passed(16) his mom refused to leave the organization and instead had my hubs go to work for them as well. Basically under the table for below minimum wage..... at 18 he left lost his faith and refused to work a job flipping burgers instead struggled to open his own business while teaching music under the table. All while STILL paying his moms bills.l(she still worked for organization for shit pay). His golden sister dads favorite (she never changed a diaper went to a docs appt, cleaned etc basically left home parents PAID for college till she dropped out and traveled etc) found out there mom was sick (bronchitis from working in a shitty house for the organization during winter) came down accused my hubs of being a druggy, abusive, never cleaning house etc. So she kicked him out of the house he was paying for in January and he slept under a bridge till he had the money to rent somewhere. (House lease was in his moms name)

5 years later he meets me, his business is going fine he had a partner now and works another job where he is management. We date i dont see his mom much he isnt close to her. Being nice i invite her on our thanksgiving vacation. Rules are (this is an annual trip my mom/dad, bro his wife kids, my sis and her husband me hubs and his mom) you go you pay 1 morning (out of 5) for breakfast which is cooked in the condo, you pay 50% of your dinners and tickets IF YOU want to go to the park. She agrees ......

She never paid for breakfast or her food EVER bought most expensive item hubs paid for it!

She had MY MOM pay her way into the park

Brought a wheelchair and had hubs push her around. She is NOT disabled just lazy.

Would walk into our room (4 bedroom condo) without knocking, fall asleep on the couch and SNORE.

Left her fucking bra AND DIRTY panties in the living room.

There is more but i just can't.

At our wedding she invited her family into the fucking BRIDAL sweet after i said no.

Said she'd pay for the rehearsal we had a backup plan because lesson learned.

Would not shut up during the vows didnt like this or that....just fuck

Now we have a little one and she won't stop saying he has his fathers eyes, nose, chin, hair......

Hubs eyes are hazel our son has my blue eyes

Hubs hair is dark brown our son is blond

She has nearly dropped our son after being told DO NOT stand with him (she is 5ft and 300lbs.....she can barely stand).

She tries (i put a stop to this shit while pregnant)to come over uninvited. And when we do have her over stays as late as she can and leaves her dirty dishes lying around. Yes we have to TELL her to leave dropping hints doesnt work.

So this month she decides since she NEVER planned for her retirement it is now OUR,JOB. To care for her.....fucking no.... she first tried to hand me $40 to put her on my insurance which is military. ...uh no thats fraud.

Then she said we had to pay xyz bills....because she had to go get yarn and was invited to go to bingo....again NO.

Next she tried to move in. ...again NO we have 2 kids another on the way in a 3 bedroom house and turning the basement into another room for the older daughter.

She never cared for her son insurance couldn't afford it, dental not needed, cloths 2 pair of jeans is enough.

So unpopular opinion i REFUSE as does my husband to care for his mom.