Irritated beyond belief women bullying other women over questions they ask!!!!!

Samantha • Hi I'm samantha and I just recently had a tr 3-7-16 and now we're ttc, I'm so excited to try and have a baby. I'm 37 and I have 3 children 18,16,14.

When a woman asks a friggin question if your bitter keep your comments to yourself, if your just wanting to be asine kept it to yourself and don't be hating on women who actually are asking for advice...enough is enough ladies we are all gown women so it's time to act like it...I've never ever in my life been on a forum where women try and come together just to be knocked down or bullied about negativity over asking a dang question sheesh..

We all are here to support one another through our ttc times and your asineness is not needed or wanted. Let's just say the ones who are doing this how would you like for your kids to be treated like this lemme tell ya you would not tolerate this crap so why should we all tolerate the ignorance, resentment, asineness? Act like grown ass women an stop thinking your behaviors are wanted and tolerated because you seriously look like a big joke.

Okay rant over and maybe the admins needsta step in because it's getting out of hand. Thanks rant done