
Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I broke down.

My son is almost 2 months old, and I've been having to work since he was 3 weeks old. Some days I have to take him with me to work, because I only trust my husband to watch him for any length of time.

He was particularly fussy tonight. I only worked for 5 hours, but in that time, he wanted over twelve ounces of milk. I had only brought the twelve though, since he usually only eats 4 ounces every 3 hours. And I fed him right before we left home.

In the middle of him screaming and having people coming into work, I just broke down. What am I doing? How can I do this? And then I realized, through my tears and frustration, that I do it because if him. So I put my big girl panties on, Sat down, and breast fed him right there.

It's not easy at all having to do this. But he's my reason for living and breathing. And no matter what people think, I have to do what is best for him.