Feels like something is in my vag!?! TMI

🐚Shimmering • Lucian was born 10/5/26 @ 1:29 am!

I'm 35+2 and ftm

Since yesterday evening I've felt like something is in my vag like the very top of it. I can't reach there to feel it and I don't have a handheld mirror to try to see what it looks like.

It just feels like there's something there.

And this morning after SO left for work I was trying to go back to sleep and baby boy started moving very hard and weirdly. He was like kicking all over and super hard. He is head down and it felt like his head was shaking or like shivering and then I got this super hard sharp pressure like pain on the front of my pubic bone. Like right in the middle. I have an appointment today at 3pm. I am definitely asking about all this because I've read about bulging water bags and prolapsing cords.