helllll noooo you guys look!

Maleah • 21 year old Mama of a beautiful girl. She will be two in Dec 2018. Currently hoping on baby number 2!
I had to post this... A few minutes ago I woke up to this crawling ON MY SHOULDER!!! It was pretty dark in the room so I just hit it with my hand then felt how big it was by doing that and sprung my pregnant self out of bed like someone yelled donuts. Seriously I am never sleeping ever again ahhhh 😖😖😖 this is slighty bigger than a quarter you guys. I'm still shaking. I hhaaaate spiders. HATE.
UPDATE: apparently it's a brown recluse spider... Which bites, and it's bad if it bite you 😳😳😳 I didn't get bit but what if it layed eggs!