Can I hear your opinion ?

LONG BUT REALLY NEED HELP!! So I'm Mexican, and come from a family where we are all mexican, in Mexico and I'm assuming other Hispanic countries we use the mother and father last name, for example my first name is MIRIAM my middle name is YESENIA, my first last name is MONTANO (from dad's family ) and my second last name is MORALES ( from mom's family) however I am know as MIRIAM MONTANO every where, this is how I introduce my self at school, work, doctors, the long name is only used in important papers like diplomas and so, once I get married I have the chance to take both of my last names off and use my husband last name or take out my mom's last name and put my husband's last name insted to me this was what was a NORMAL way to name your child BUT my boyfriend's family is african-american and say my baby should only have the fathers last name, I don't agree, my boyfriend say the baby can have my last name as a middle name and his last name as the only last name but i don't think that's okay, he also says we can put both but he wants his last name to go last, but in that case my baby would me know as Genesis montano(my last name) instead of Genesis burton (his last name) to both of us this is a really big issue because we don't mess around when it comes to last names my family thinks his family is crazy and his family thinks my family is crazy I have tried to explain to my boyfriend that at the end of the day my daughter will be known for her first name and HIS last name only but his mom is putting ideas into his head of how I'm soo wrong and how what I want to do is insane, I'm 38 weeks pregnant and can't figure out a way to solve this before baby arrives, any ideas ?