Monday afternoon I was involved in a little car accident

Monday afternoon I was involved in a little car accident. Was not injured so I proceeded with my normal day activities. By the next morning I realized I hadn't felt my baby girl move since the accident so I went to my midwifes and they suggested I go to the hospital to be induced(I was 38+6weeks). I got to the hospital and they started to prep me for induction. The midwife on duty went to check if I had dilated when she went to check my water broke and the show was on. My water broke around 5pm and I got up until 5.5 centimeters when I decided I wanted an epidural. I got the medicine but it only took on one side. I continued to labor throughout the night and by 2:45is am the epidural wore off on both sides. Rite as it wore off my contractions started to get 10xs worse. Not 5minites later I felt a lot of pressure my midwife came in to check me and she couldn't because babys head was already about to come out. 10 pushes later and we welcomed a beautiful 7Ib 1oz baby girl at 3:39 this morning. I am so happy she is finally here and all that pain went away instantly.