Long distance relationships

So I been dating my bf for about 4 years now online we always planed on getting together and talked about a future together,he lives in Jamaica and I live in the US, recently he's told me I need to make more of an effort to come see him at least twice a year for 2-3 weeks at a time,I'm a single mother of 3 its so hard to just pack up and go and leave my job, I'm not sure what to do he says if I can't do that there's no point in the relationship if we can't see each other and also says I'm being selfish about it and only thinking of my needs and not his, when I tell him I really wanna work it out. I feel like he might be lying to me as well it's been a little over a year sense he told me he was getting the visa he has yet to apply for it, there's always an excuse he doesn't have money,something came up blblbl everytime I've even sent him money for it and he said an emergency came up and his mother needed it, idk what to think or say anymore it's so stressful, everytime I try talking to him about it he says I'm stressing him and making him feel uninterested in me? I swear he just doesn't care, he's always the first one to leave an break up if we fight and I'm always the one fixing it, he has promised to file for the visa next Thursday so he says will see,any advice please it's a really hard break for me. I really wanted it to work out