Ok i got to let this out&need opinions!!

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.

Ok, so today has been a great day, im still in a good mood, but im alittle worried! Ok, so my fiance had a kid before me and him ever met, well, his baby mama and him were only together two months or less than that, they were young as well maybe 18-20 years old, well they broke up and then shortly after she told him she was pregnant and etc! Well he tried to work things out with her, went to every doc appointment and was involved like a father should be, well when they had their son, my fiance wanted her and their son to live with him and start a life and be in his sons life, well i guess from what ive heard from him and his family is that her mother put crap into her head and they left out of town, so my fiance never got to see his son or etc, he tried every year to be in his sons life and has messaged her and got no where! Anyways, when me and my fiance started dating, he told he had a son, and we went into a conversation, well when he met me i already had a little girl and her sperm donor was never involved in her life whatsoever, never tried, nothing! So i been taking care of her and being the mother she needs for the past 6 years she is now 7! So, he knew that and had no problem with it ever since then we started dating and fell in love and he also fell in love with my daughter, and ever since then we have been inseparable! Well, i see how him not seeing his son affected him, and me as a mother could never keep a child away from his father that WANTS to be there, in my case i would of loved for my daughters dad to be that way but of course it wasnt like that so seeing this with my fiance got to me very bad, so i decided to message the mother of his son, and just give her my opinion and how i went through the situation with my daughter and how i could never do what she is doing and etc, and i know idk fully their past together but actions speak louder than words and she definatly proved to me she didnt care nor care to answer my fiance after years of trying, and my fiance knew i messaged her he knew my intentions was just to help see his son, well after that of her proving she didnt care! We just moved on and lived our lives, were now doing amazing than ever, and expecting a child of own together which is both our second child but first together, and its a boy! When we announced we were pregnant somehow it got back to her and all hell broke loose, pretty much her bestfriend posted something on facebook bashing my fiance and saying im the stupid one for thinking hes gonna take care of this baby including a child thats not even his, meaning my daughter, so i was severely pissed bc 1. Thats my fiance your talking about and 2. No one brings my daughter into this either! Anyways it was just choas! So then we just blocked everybody that were friends with them and etc! Well, now today, my fiances baby mama is wanting to into touch with him and got ahold of his mom, and idk what all of sudden now this is happening, but now shes wanting their son to know his side of the family and my fiance, and my fiance doesnt want to talk to her nor add her on fb or any of that, so i guess his mom is talking to her at this point, but she asked about me and my fiance to his mother saying i see their doing good and that they are expecting and his mom told her that we are doing great and expecting a boy! And then she started talking about their son and what they can do!! Me and my fiances mom talked and thought it was weird how all of sudden she wants to do this now, but i understand they want to see their grandbaby/son, and i have no problem with that, but as long as its only about their son and nothing else, i wont worry, but im kinda worried now, and the point im getting at i guess is that, should i feel this way? Am i just being horomonal? I mean idk how i feel all i know is it scares me bc not only me but my daughter as well, and now our son that me and my fiance are expecting together, plus im worried what if it takes time away from our newborn son, him seeing his other son, i just dont know what to expect?? All i know is i told my fiance to just be careful and so did his mom, were just going to play by ear, but i guess im just worried and letting my insecurities get to me!! I mean i know im not worried about them getting together or nothing like that bc it wasnt like that plus they werent together that long and just all the stuff they went through including my fiance, and my fiance says he loves me, and this is his family now, but he wants to see his son if she does let him, and i was 100% okay with that! I want him to see his son too! Anyways, is it ok to feel this way? I know itll take sometime to get use to this and figure out what the plan is?

I just need advice or opinions please, just so i can be calm and not worry as much!!

Please& thank you, i definatly needed to get this off my chest!!