silly question

I want to take a digital test when I am pregnant to show my hubby because I don't think he'd trust the two lines especially if one is faint. I like to pee in a cup rather than on the stick anyways, so my plan was to take a FRER tomorrow morning and see what it says, and if I'm lucky enough for it to be positive is it dumb to then dip a digital from the same urine? (Instructions on both say dipping it is an option) Or would you hold your pee another 4+ hours and test again, or wait til the next morning? By the way I have the clear blue digital that says you can test 5 days sooner.  I'm going to want to tell him that day and just would love to have a digital but also don't want to waste my digitals if I'm not pregnant. And I know, this is all wishful thinking lol! Just wondering if anyone else has tested from one urine sample or if you wait to test the next time you pee. Thanks ladies.