baby boy has been here three days and still in hospital 😣😢

Kiah Reed Nelson was due on 9-29 but decided to come 9-19. We went up to the recovery room from the birthing room around 9 pm on the 19th and were told we  could probably go home by early afternoon as long as Kiahs labs came back okay in the morning.  Well his bilirubin came back higher than they liked so we ended up staying another night. I was sad because I wanted to bond with him and I was so excited (FTM) but because the red blood cells were not to their standeres they made us swaddle him with lights and tubes. This made it impossible for skin to skin and really any holding because he was plugged into the wall. Kiah would have more blood work done in the morning and if it was better we could take him home. Nope. Bad news again. So to make sure he was getting enough light they put him under light therapy this morning (9-21). He can't wear any clothes besides a diaper and must wear an eye mask to protect his eyes from the light. It's cold in our room and even with the heat on his little feet and nose are cold to the touch. He has been under this light for almost 10 hours now and we were just informed he will have to under it all night as well. I'm feeling so upset and discourage and my SO is not being supportive in the least. I got upset and started to cry and he just told me to stop it and quit being emotional. I rather he just leave because he is just making me more upset at this point. I'm heart broken I can't even hold my baby boy and my SO is only hurting me more.Â