Opinions? No negative comments!!!!

Hey guys.
So on Thursday the 15th, I found out that my grandpa was in ICU but it sounded like he was going to be okay according to my dad. That weekend I was really considering packing up my stuff and leaving back to Washington. (I'm currently living in Michigan with my boyfriend and his parents.) Through the weekend my grandpa was getting better to the doctor. On Sunday the doctors were saying they were going to discharge him the next day. On Monday I got a call from my mom saying that my grandpa coded 4 times at this point. So I let work know what was going on, got a plane ticket to come home. Unfortunately my grandpa coded once more, and by the 6th time his heart stopped, they said that they couldn't keep bringing him back. My boyfriend on the other hand supported me coming home for as long as I needed so I could be with family. I told him that I wanted to move back permanently. He said that he wouldn't move. I asked him why because I left my family to come to Michigan where I have limited family so we could be together and so I could have a new experience. He said that he wouldn't be able to make the sacrifice I did. I want to come back home to my family. Am I selfish for wanting to? I would be losing my whole relationship with him and his family. I don't feel myself in Michigan. Is it stupid that I want to go back to my home roots? Should I stay in Michigan? I honestly want to be in Washington again with my family. 

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