Bowels 😡

Chelsea • I miscarried back in May of 2015 with my first baby, a beautiful little girl. I am now pregnant with my 2nd baby, and due on October 25, which is exactly a year from my due date with my first one.
OMG I can't win for losing! I'm 35+1 and I either have diarrhea for a week or 2 on end, or I'm constipated as f*k 😂 I ended up with a nasty hemorrhoid so painful, a few weeks ago, that I finally went in to the doctor and she prescribed cream and suppositories for me. She said it had a huge blood blister on top of it as well, and if they cream didn't help within a week, to come back and see her, and she would refer me to general surgery so they could cut it or some shit. Sounds painful anyway haha. The cream and suppositories seem to be helping the hemorrhoid, but I still have some pretty screwed up bowels. Am I the only one who has this issue, or is it common during pregnancy? What can I do to help keep my shit regular? Lol 💩 😂 🤔🤕😯😥