September 23rd👶🏽

Caitlyn • Kaelah Allison & Kassidy Ann
Well, I recently went to the doctor on Sep 20th for a growth sono at 37 weeks and 3 days. First sono I have had since I was 19 weeks! The ultrasound tech did everything she needed done and I got to see how much my little girl had grown and she's now 6 lbs exactly! I had a following appointment afterwards with my ob/gyn and was hooked up to a fetal monitor when taken back into the room. I was told that there was a ton of fluid that I had been losing and that I was going to be having a baby next week. Keep in mind, my water has not yet ruptured. That night I was contracting a lot and was leaking but my water still rupture. I am a college student and I went to class the next morning and wasn't feeling very good and noticed I was still leaking. I noticed a huge difference in my stomach because I actually fit into my desk 😂 I called my doctor and they told me to go into labor and delivery at the hospital. They test to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid and everything came back negative. I know I'm leaking from somewhere because my belly has decreased a ton in size(stretch marks faded and belly button got deeper) My doctor sent in an ultrasound while I was still at the hospital to check my fluid again. It had decreased more than yesterday. My doctor had already scheduled me for an appointment on that Thursday and we would pick a date to be induced next week but instead I am keeping my appointment and hoping that all goes well today I will be induced on Friday the 23rd and be meeting my sweet girl at 37 weeks and 6 days! 👶🏽💗