For The Ladies Looking For Ladies


Little story for you all about how I met my ex girlfriend. The first girl I ever experimented and also ever romantically dated.

Ok so my friends all know I was questioning my sexuality so they wanted to help me. They shoved so many online dating sites and dating apps in my face for girl to girl or lgbtq folks such as myself (I am pansexual). Eventually I made a decision on OKCupid. I met up with an Irish/Russian smoking hot red headed lovely and we went on a date. She stiffed me. She left and I had to pay the bill. I messaged her the next day to find out what happened. Important. I did NOT get angry with her. I asked her politely if it was something I did.

So after all was said and done she got back to me after a couple of days and told me this. "I am so sorry. I'll be honest it was my first time dating another girl and....I freaked. I got scared and confused. I'm sorry. I'll pay you back for the dinner."

So being that I had classes for college at the time it took me a day to get back to her. "Its all alright I don't want your money. I understand. You're my first too. I'm just coming out as questioning and was looking to play the field and meet a nice girl to find out what I like. Similar to you. I was scared too. So what do ya say. Wanna give this another try?"

She said yes ladies. We dated for about 3 months and we helped each other discover ourselves. She's still a very good friend of mine as well even now while I'm with my boyfriend.

My whole point in this story is just because your first experience with another woman doesn't go so well don't give up until you know for sure what's going on not only with them but with you as well. Don't give up exploring who you are because of one date.

Also, when it comes to finding that first date, with a little help it is not as hard as it seems. Sure girls are catty. We all know this. But trust me its much easier than online dating guys. The girls tend to be a lot more understanding and they try to actually do more than send you nudes. Worse comes to worse they say no. That's fine too. Just make sure they know you're still questioning.

Hope some of this helps ladies :) enjoy your lady adventures 😘😘