Julius has arrived!! 👶🏽😍😍

Today has been a long eventful tiresome beautiful day. My son Julius JaéShon Crayton was born at 12:18 AM 5 lbs. 9 oz. and he is doing absolutely wonderful he's currently in NICU but doing very good breathing on his own and getting some color. My water broke yesterday at 7 PM I made it to the hospital at 8 PM and contractions didn't start until 9:33 PM but when they did they were very strong and back to back and I was able to start pushing at 12 midnight and my Julius was born at 12:18 AM. This last month of my pregnancy has been hectic and full of hospital visits I started dilating at only 30 weeks and I made it up to a 5 cm dilated and 70% of faced before my water broke yesterday. Doing my 30 weeks of pregnancy I was given two dosages of steroids to help my babies lungs develop and brain develope which obviously work because can definitely breathing on his own. I haven't been sleeping much since giving birth and I'm just so excited to have my little man here finally