So my birth went from a planned pool birth with gas and air to a Pethidine injection, a failed epidu...


So my birth went from a planned pool birth with gas and air to a Pethidine injection, a failed epidural and a few dozen stitches, in the 10 short hours I spent in labour.

Even being overdue by 4 days I didn't realise how unprepared I was to have this baby. Contractions started late the night before, easily 10 minutes apart so I didn't think much of them, but by about 4am they were down to 6 minutes. I rang the day unit, was told to ring back at 4 minutes. By 6am we were at that point, so I was then told to ring back at 2-3 minutes. By 9am I was very easily and painfully at this point and was still asked to hold on a bit longer, but with 3 flights of stairs to climb and a 20 minute taxi to the hospital I refused and came straight in. By the time we were there my pain was unbearable, but I was adamant on having a pool. It took until 11:30am to have my first internal check to be told I was on my way, but to come back later. At this point I just broke down and begged for any pain relief I was allowed, and took a Pethidine injection so I knew they wouldn't be allowed to send me back home. After a couple of hours' sleep I was back to no pain relief and begging for help again (seriously, I was not prepared for this!). I was finally checked and told I'd reached 4cm, and with no pain relief whatsoever at this point somehow managed to get to 8pm and 8cm dilation, and EVERY plan we'd made was thrown out the window! I was finally given some gas and air and recall nothing but begging for an epidural. I got my wish within about 10 minutes but she was too far ready for it to kick in and my high blood pressure and her low heartbeat was too dangerous to wait. Then finally with about 8 pushes, 2 aided with an episiotomy my beautiful baby girl was here by 9:30pm. However rushed and haphazardly everything was done, and however many times I swear I'll never do it again, I would not have my baby any other way. Little 7lb3 Summer Lily Grace 🌹