Super quick induction!

I'm a little late posting, but here we go. 😊 September 14th I went in to the hospital for my scheduled induction at 41 weeks and 2 days. I was checked, and was only finger tip dilated so they decided to use a balloon. The way the balloon works, is they insert it into your cervix and then gradually fill it with water through out the day to get you to dilate. They told me they would place the balloon, then check on it 12 hours later and take it out and I would be 3 or 4 cm dilated by then. The balloon was placed at 1:30 pm. I had slight cramps, but nothing that I really noticed. At around 8 pm, I started getting a stinging pain in my vagina. I called in the nurse to check me, and she said my balloon was coming out on its own already, and took it out the rest of the way. She then checked me and I was at a 5. After that, contractions started and got more and more painful. At around 11 o clock, I asked to use the bath tub, hoping it would make me feel better. It sped the contractions up. The nurse checked me again and I was a 6 and my water bag was bulging. The next hour or 2 was very very painful. I had the nurse come check me again and I was at 7 cm, water still hadn't broken. I had gone through all natural at this point, but finally asked for some medicine through my I.V. She gave it to me, checked me at a 7 again, and left. Not even  5 minutes later my contractions were right on top of each other and I felt the need to push.I put my hand down there, and could feel my bag of water. I screamed at my husband to go get the nurse, and everyone came running in. The nurse broke my water, and I reached down and felt her head. I pushed for 30 minutes, and she was here. My husband was right next to me holding my hand, telling me he loved me, and counting during pushes. It really hurt, but wasn't as horrible as I expected. I had lacerations on the inside of my vagina and had to be stitched up, which took almost an hour. They kept giving me novacane shots, and I could still feel it so they gave me a nerve block. I love my little girl so much, and feel like the whole thing was pretty easy. They told me it could potentially take a couple days and I had her in my arms within 12 hours of starting the induction process. Amelia was born at 7 pounds 7.5 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long on September 15th at 2:23 am. Best thing that's ever happened to me.Â