I kept getting really bad contractions on the 18th

I kept getting really bad contractions on the 18th . I tryed not to pay so much attention because i thought that maybe it was nothing. Eventually i started crying and they became very painful. So my mother had drove me to the labor and delivery room that same day. I was at 1cm so they let me stay there to walk around to see if i would dialate anymore , within the next hour i was at 2cm then next i was at 3cm dialated! My contractions were hurting of course terribly at this point so they offered me morphine and i took it i didnt want to but i did, i was dieing for a nap. Then it wore off after a couple of hours so they gave me another fluid through my iv, 3hours later i got the epidural. I was already at 6cm at this point. I was so tired yet so excited but of course in pain. Then later they checked my cervix again, i was at 7cm. 2hours went by and i was still stuck at 7cm, my doctor then broke my water because it still had not broke yet. After, they had told me the babys head was still further up so they said i would have to get a c section.. so i went in for my c section and they of course put me on anastasia ! I was awake but tripping out and i was so scared. Once it was over my baby was there and in my arms.  Her name is serenitee rose lucero <3