
shawn • Mom of 2. My family is everything.
Has anyone heard of this company? My fiancé is color blind and I always forget and ask him what color is this and this or point out the pretty fall colors that all look yellow and brown to him. And sometimes it seems like it upsets him that he can't see what I can. Well we saw them on Facebook they had made a video about the glasses. This is probably during the summer or last winter that we had seen this. And they are spendy as hell! Is birthday and our two year anniversary is coming up in October. And figured what a wonderful present I could get him since he wants them so bad! The glasses I'd be getting him are $357 which I would have to work everyday without a day off to even be able to pay for it with one paycheck. (I get paid every week) and I'm pregnant so we dont have that kind of money, but I love him and I know how much he wants these and it's well worth it! Anyways has anyone heard of the company, or ordered from them? Are/were you satisfied with them? I just don't want to spend the money and them to turn out shitty.
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Posted at
How thoughtful. My husband is color blind but doesn't seem to mind except when I make him go watch fireworks! Those would be neat if they really do work. 


L • Sep 23, 2016
That's pretty cool, thanks!


shawn • Sep 23, 2016
type in color blind glasses and it should bring you to EnChroma. they aren't all that expensive but the style he likes is spendy.


shawn • Sep 23, 2016
I'm just going to get them anyways. I'll let you know how they work! and how he likes them(:


Posted at
I have never heard of them but what a wonderful and thoughtful gift!


Posted at
I love watching the videos on YouTube anytime I need a pick me up. They have a test on their website to tell you how likely they are to work for you.


shawn • Sep 23, 2016
I saw the test before I was about to go to bed last night (: I took it myself to see what kind of color test it was. some of them are pretty hard, it even took me a minute of two to figure out the number sometimes


Monica • Sep 23, 2016
Oh, and I believe they have a reasonable return policy.


Posted at
I've seen the videos and they seemed awesome! I would only buy the glasses if you had what you needed for your baby though, I'm sure your husband would understand if that meant a slightly belated birthday gift. 


Posted at
That'd be such an awesome thing. My ex boyfriend was colorblind. It always seemed to be one of those things that would secretly get him down but he'd put on a brave face about it. It was hard on him knowing there was a lot he couldn't experience like everyone else because of it.