Instead of a horror story how about...

Taylor • 22. 3 kids and 1 on the way! Married to my firefighter. EMT. ❤️
A tale of two births that were wonderful! All you ever hear about is the terrible labors. Well, I had my daughter in January of 2014. My water broke, I labored for 11 hours. I started pushing, she was here 13 minutes later. I didn't rip and required no stitches. Then, just 13 days ago, I gave birth to my son. I was induced, just because my midwife asked if I wanted to and I jumped at the opportunity! My water was broken, pitocin started, and I was in labor 3 1/2 hours. I pushed for 8 minutes and he was here. Once again. I ripping so no stitches. Not all births are horrible but it will be your own. I'm a blessed momma indeed. 💗💙 oh and my daughters birth time was 12:13 am and my sons was 12:14 pm. I just thought that was so cool.