Okay so this is my birth story

Eva 🌸 • Happily married 💛 | Baby girl otw 🎀

Okay so this is my birth story!!

I had an appointment with my OB for one last sonogram, at 36 weeks and when he checked, he noticed there wasn't as much water around my baby girl as there should be, she wasn't growing anymore and was only measuring to be 5 lbs. So he told me that he was going to do a cervix check, and when he did, my husband and I got told that I was 2 cm dilated already and that this baby was going to be ready to come out by the next day but I'd still have to get induced bc if not, baby would not make it due to her not having enough fluid. I was in complete shock,totally just wanted to break down, I wanted my bby girl to stay cooking longer! I was NOT ready! I was just there for a sonogram you know??? 💔 So I was told to go to the hospital at 4:00am Saturday, Sept 03. So I get there, got my water broken, which felt SO uncomfortable! I was dilating so quickly (to me, it seemed), I tried to see how long I could go without the epidural but as soon as I got to 5cm I was BEGGING for that shot! 😂 I was in labor for 12 hrs, pushed for 1hr and 45min. And next thing you know, my baby girl was out! 💜

Aaliyah Joanne Salazar 👶🌼 born at 36+1 at 4:04pm, still considered preemie, weighing 6lbs, no NICU time, super healthy, was able to keep her all to myself after, passed the car seat test on the first try and went home by Monday 💛 I am extremely thankful that my baby was born without complications and that the measurements that my OB gave us were wrong 💜