Slow labor, fast delivery, horrible recovery


So I had my normal 39 week check up, I had only progressed to a 3 and 75% effaced. Went grocery shopping, took a nap, proceeded with my normal day. Had sex with my husband and laid there for a good hour afterwards before getting up to use the bathroom and then a whole bunch of bloody show came out. Yet again I didnt get excited cause I had had false alarms for a week and a half. Then contractions started, they definitely felt more fluid than before but nothing painful so I ignored it. Finally at 4 am I went to get checked since they were getting closer together, sure enough I was a 4 and 80% effaced. That wasnt enough to be admitted though so my midwife said to go walk around for 2 hours and come back. Well I went home and wasnt even there for 20 minutes before they changed and got much stronger so I went back. I was nearly a 5 so they admitted me.

Unfortunately labor stalled after that. For almost 6 hours I couldnt get to 6cm so they decided to put me on pitocin to bring my contractions closer together. I decided to get up and walk, instantly feeling them closer together but still same intensity. An hour later I felt like I had to pee, as soon as I sat down to use the toilet I was in so much pain I started screaming and holding onto the sink for dear life. They got me over to the bed on all 4s and I screamed non stop until finally I got an epidural. They broke my water after that so that things would speed up.

Around 730 I starting feeling more pressure with my contractions, the midwife said its totally normal and that I could dose my epidural if I'd like (which I decided not to since it wasnt painful). I sent my husband to go buy some snacks since they said it might be another hour or two before anything changed based on my contraction pattern. Well as soon as he stepped out and I was talking to the new nurse I started feeling even more pressure (which apparently I had pooped myself), he checked me and I was already a 10 and my son was on his way out! Every contraction I felt him moving lower, my husband wasnt answering the phone so I used all of my power to hold him in as long as I could. Hubby walked in just in time! They were grabbing my legs and I barely pushed, one contraction and he was crowned, second he was out! 21 hours of slow labor and he nearly birthed himself it was so quick!

Well my tailbone had broken during labor, which was awful and I only had a minor tear which needed no stitches. What a wild ride that was!!! So worth it though. Killian Alistair Blood was born at 8:27 pm 7lb 4oz 21.5 inches long. Healthy as can be!!

3 weeks later, still having some lower back pain from the tailbone injury but not nearly as bad. Just recovered from a nasty week of mastitis where I had to be put on 10 days of antibitiocs along with tylenol and ibuprophen rotations for fevers and body aches. Hopefully my milk supply will even back out soon, baby number 3 has been quite the learning expirience! And he is NOT sleeping through the night like my older 2 did lol.