my birth story

Baby Dakota Rose was born on September 25th at 4:58pm he weighed 6.45lbs and is 18" long born at 36 weeks and 5 days. My water broke at 7:20 am while I was still in bed, I took a nice long shower and relaxed while I called the doctor on call to see what my next move was since I had no pain or contractions. After sending the husband to get some pads we went out and had breakfast at one of our favorite spots while on our way to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 11am and at 11:15 I was told I was dialated 1.5cm and I was having contractions that I just wasn't feeling. I started to feel contact ions around 1pm and walked through them until 4:30 pm when I asked for pain meds in my IV. At that point they checked me again and I was 7.5cm. By 4:45 I started to push because little man was ready, and he was born at 4:58pm. Healthy little man ❤️ I Could not have asked to be more blessed with a great delivery and a perfect baby.