Nit picking

So I'm really tired of my boyfriend nit picking everything I do. He says o you should do that like this. Even with sex. He basically tells me how to do it.

And recently he has started timing me. In between cigarettes and medication.

I have pain medication for a recent surgery and if I go to take one or a half of one because I'm in pain he yells at me and says no you need to wait. Even tho it is completely fine for me to take it. There is no reason for me to wait.

And he times how often I have a cigarette. Usually he doesn't care, but all of a sudden he started yelling at me if I went to smoke one when he apparently thought I shouldn't. Isiah we smoke a cigarette every hour or so. Recently he yells at me if I try to smoke one. And even one time tonight he yelled at me and said I didn't need to, but then literally 10 minutes later he lit a cigarette!

Idk what is going on. I'm so tired of being told what to do or what not to do. I feel like a child.

I'm so tired of it. Idk what to do.

And when I tried to talk about the fact that is bothering me he told me he's not going anything wrong and to so being so upset and dramatic....

What do I do????