Husband rant

Sorry to post this here, but I need to bitch a little before my head explodes. 
My husband works full time, long hours. But he's generally home by about 5 or 6. I work 30 hours a week, and my commute is 45 minutes each way to work. I do all of the house work. My days off are split. He watches our daughter on Saturdays while I work. 
I feel like he is very selfish. I had a reeeeally long week this week, and he knew I was really tired especially today. We got home today after a Home Depot run and realized we had left something in the cart. We needed it to fix something important today. He blames me (he unloaded the cart not me), then goes and takes a nap. WTF? Not only does he blame me for something that wasn't my fault, but instead of maybe running to the hardware store to get the thing we need, he takes a fucking nap? I could use a damn nap. If you got all the way through this thanks for reading. Am I expecting too much of him to help me with housework occasionally? He bitches about me not giving him sex often enough but I'm legitimately tired much of the time.