More Knowledge.. Less Stress. Anyone?

Tee. 🌸 • A college student striving for greatness!
So here's a little background for new commenters: I had unprotected sex around 3-4 AM Saturday. (It was Friday night, had sex in the AM so technically Saturday.) He pulled out abruptly and came on the floor. (4 to 5 little dots and blobs.) Afterwards I went to the bathroom, peed and wiped and it was clear and stretchy. I'm assuming my own wetness. I am going to be able to take a morning after pill on Tuesday morning. (Planned parenthood stated I'm able to take one up to 120 hours which is 5 days.) 
My friend told me not to because she said I would've felt the semen come down my leg eventually. But this chart gave me my average cycle length, 34 days. Last period was Sept. 17th. My estimated ovulation date is Oct. 6th. According to the info imputed.