Fainting while pregnant


Alright ladies, I go to see my doctor tomorrow, and for once, I have questions. A lot of them. (I'm sure she'll be surprised, because our conversations are usually about a minute long, each). So, I have had a couple of... fainting episodes, I guess would be the best phrase for it.

The first time, I was sitting outside, in the shade, in about 90°F weather with a breeze, pretty normal for Texas. I had just eaten something, and I had plenty of water that day. In the span of a minute, I was not okay. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt light-headed dizzy. A minute later, I could breathe... better, but it felt strange, and my hearing and sight was going out. I fainted, and woke up to my friend asking me if I was okay, to which my answer was a solid NO. Of course, being dumb me, being able to focus on her and tell her what was wrong made me feel better, though perhaps that was just coincidence. I didn't go to the hospital, and I didn't call my doctor, though I SHOULD HAVE. I do know that, and I was taking a risk by not doing so.

The second time it happened (about 2-3 weeks later), I just broke my toe. I was shopping, and checking out at the register when I didn't see what was on the floor and bam, I broke my second to last toe. But though I was in pain, I could still hobble around, finish checking out, and slow-step my way outside to wait for my SO to pull up. This time, I was standing, there was a tiny bit of a breeze, and the temperature was probably around 75°F-85°F. But the same exact thing happened. I couldn't breathe, felt dizzy and shaky, then I could breathe but then my hearing and eyesight went out. Next thing I know, I'm hunched over my cart, with a sales associate that was on break leaning over me, asking me if I was okay. This time I went to the doctor's to bandage up my foot, and mentioned the fainting episode. He didn't seem concerned, and told me that it was probably because of the amount of pain I was in.

I guess, after story time, my question would be: has anyone else experienced anything like this?

If it's relevant, I've never had a fainting episode before that first time.