Please read

I always thought I was over it. That I was strong enough to let go. That the things that happened to me never affected me but now I'm sitting on my bedroom floor crying bc just remembering it all hurts so much . being beaten by dad growing up isn't ok . living in garages and vans in the street isn't ok. Being molested by your fathers friend isn't ok. Cutting yourself every night to make the pain the go away isn't ok. Getting pregnant by a guy who raped you isn't ok. And losing your baby bc of a drunk driver isn't ok. Being physically and mentally abused by your ex boyfriend isn't ok. Thinking that all those things were ok and were normal isn't ok !! I lied to myself over and over again that they were going to go away and they haven't gone away and I'm not strong like I was before I cant smile and lie and say I'm ok . I have a loving and caring boyfriend who treats me like a queen but I keep ruining things bc I feel like I'm not worthy of love. .. But after all this realization I'm going to seek professional help. And I hope that all the girls who are going through something I hope you don't think its normal if you feel like its not right speak up!! Or speak to someone about it ! Seek help bc things only get worse one day it'll hit you and it might be too late to get help so please ! seek help no matter what its about. Its better for you to receive the help of someone who knows exactly what to do than to lie to yourself for years ! Please don't be like me . I was foolish for thinking I could handle it . depression is no joke . and to those who know someone going through tough tines please don't leave their side and find them the help they need bc it might save their life ..everyone matters and its time for everyone to realize that.